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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, (EMDR) therapy is a, bottom up, psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven to be effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR Therapy is recognized by the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD). EMDR uses a standardized set of protocols that systematically desensitizes disturbing memories. My goal is to insure that patients are provided with a recognized, monitored and efficacious treatment for PTSD and other related traumas. To date, EMDR therapy has helped millions of people of all ages relieve many types of psychological stress not only in the United States but around the world.


  • EMDR may be appropriate:  if you are willing to be evaluated appropriately prior to engaging in EMDR therapy
  • if other traditional attempts of therapy have not worked for you
  • if you are able to use identified resources in between sessions
  • if you are willing to complete all 8 phases of treatment or engage in another form of desensitization deemed appropriate.

Therapists trained by the EMDR Institute: 

  • Must complete the EMDR Basic Training I and II to safely administer EMDR
  • Will be listed on the EMDR Institute website under "Find a Clinician"
  • Certified clinicians are listed on the EMDRIA website, which is the governing organization for EMDR clinicians world wide
    "Find a Clinician". 

Complex Trauma

Patients with multiple traumas will undoubtedly require more sessions over a longer period of time to appropriately complete the EMDR process. If this is your situation, please do not be discouraged.

  • Please consult all of your physicians, including your primary care physician, (PCP) before seeking EMDR. Please do not attempt to change any medications based off of this website as I am not a medical doctor. With this, it is important that your PCP be a part of your support team as you address your behavioral health needs with Nicolle. You may refer them to this site to help them understand what it is that you are seeking.
  • In line with my standards of treatment, I will have to assess your willingness to complete all 8 phases of treatment, your tolerance of emotional discomfort and your ability to utilize your identified resources. This will need to be assessed prior to beginning EMDR.

Co-Occurring Disorders

The efficacy of EMDR therapy could be compromised if you have other conditions that interfere with your brain's ability to process information. Conditions such as: Dementia, Alzheimer's, Narcolepsy, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Epilepsy and Stroke, could significantly reduce the outcome of EMDR.

Different Types of EMDR 

Flash EMDR- Flash EMDR is amazing and can help some people achieve quick results. I have been able to desensitize a disturbing memory, event or situation within 30 minutes. Sometimes I will use Flash EMDR with individuals who are extremely fearful of going into their trauma memories. Here I will help a patient find a positive memory, maybe even a funny memory and strengthen that memory using eye movements. Once this is sufficiently strengthened I will guide you in and out of your positive and trauma memory. This appears to have less of a negative reaction to the disturbing memories. I will use this with highly dissociative patients who have a very low tolerance for emotional pain.

Acute Traumatic Incident Procedures (A-TIP), This form of EMDR may be an option when a person has no significant history of abuse, or trauma. Examples where A-TIP may be appropriate are: bnk robbery, rape, school shooting, natural disaster, car crash, or witness to a violent crime (one time incident). Many people that are looking for EMDR treatment errouneously believe that they fit into this catagory when it turns out that is not the case. I understand that a person may want to get through treatment quick and relieve their emotional suffering. However, I have to weigh your need for quick relief with what I have been trained to do. All prospective patients must be appropriately evaluated before attempting A-TIP.

Feeling State Addiction Protocol (FSAP), If you are engaged in addictive behaviors such as: Love & Sex addiction, Gambling, Substance Abuse, Shopping, Eating etc., this may be an option to consider. If you are dependent on a substance that if stopped will put you at risk for accute withdrawl, I will not perform the FSAP until you get a proper D&A evaluation and complete the recommended treatment. Once you are in an outpatient D&A setting we can revisit this.

Eye Movement and Desensitization (EMD), can be used when processing some Complex PTSD cases where a patient tends to dissociate to avoid addressing painful or disturbing memories. The standard 8 phase protocal is not used in these situations due to the likelihood of the patient dissociating. EMD is an abbreviated form of EMDR which will slowly target smaller disturbances for those not ready to process significant traumas. I use the Multidemnsional Assessment of Dissociation to determine to what extent a patient may use dissociation as a defense mechanism. 

Intensive EMDR Retreats

Intensive EMDR (IEMDR) sessions may be an option for you if you are able to dedicate the time and resources to engage in 3-7 days of intense processing. There are several things that must be accomplished before determining if this format is right for you. I will work with you to map out your individualized treatment plan during individual sessions to conceptualize the best way to get you prepared for intense EMDR processing.

*If you are being referred for IEMDR by another therapist within the Central Pennsylvania area you are expected to return to your therapist, so they can support you, after completing IEMDR sessions for follow up and after care. This is in addition to me checking in with you after IEMDR is complete. You will undoubtedly be emotionally raw and or exhausted after IEMDR; this is normal. Therefore, it will be important to make sure you have a session set up with your primary therapist after IEMDR so you can continue to process your experience.

*If you are coming in from out of town you must have a therapist refer you for treatment and a therapist to handle your aftercare with me.

Issues Nicolle has treated with EMDR

Nicolle has been using EMDR in her with her patients since 2012 and may perform EMDR several times a day. The types of trauma Nicolle has used EMDR for are: infertility, childhood verbal/physical abuse, sexual molestation, rape/kidnapping, store hold up, physical assaults, bullying, divorce/separation, phobias such as: fear of being under water, fear of the dark, fear of clowns, emotional abuse by a narcissistic parent, anxiety about going to a school dance, death of a child, memories of an emotionally abusive parent, attachment issues, irrational fear of a parent dying, making an important decision, death of a friend via suicide, death of a loved one who overdosed, witnessing someone get killed, severe school anxiety, asking for help, bug/reptile phobias, death of a pet, painful breakups, irrational avoidance, workplace stress, domestic violence and many more. Many of these issues were considered Complex PTSD cases.

Nicolle has had success with reducing patient distress for various types of OCD such as: checking, counting, intrusive morbid/violent thoughts, irrational fears of being gay, infidelity, irrational fear of going to jail, habitual poor decision making, fear that loved ones are going to stab them with a knife and kill them, pathological doubt, excessive need for reassurance. Accepting that you have OCD is a stressor that we can also address with the help of therapy and EMDR.

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