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General Behavioral Health Evaluations

General Substance Abuse Evaluations

Court related/Return to work/ letters

Emotional Support Letters

Individual Sessions

EMDR Session

Intensive EMDR

Late Cancellation/No Show Fee (You must give 24 hours notice to avoid this fee.)

Case Management Fees

Professional Consultation

Court ordered subpoena (must be ordered by a judge), testify, court preparation, consultation, case management, emails, phone consult, report writing etc. 


$175/per 60 minutes

$175/per 60 minutes

$75 includes (2) letters: the initial treatment recommendation and completion letter. Follow up letters for the same issue are $50/each.

 $175 Must evaluate in office with the animal. 

$175 /per 53-60 minutes

$175 /per 53-60 minutes

$1,000 per 6 hour day Includes a combination of Preparation, talk therapy, EMDR, Flash EMDR, aftercare support. (must be paid upfront and scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead.) This is not refundable.

Four hour sessions are $660  (must be paid upfront and scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead.) This is not refundable.

Late cancelations or no shows are $150 each which must be paid prior to rescheduling; this is not covered by insurance. Starting July 1, 2018

$43.75/per every 15 minutes phone consult/extensive email correspondence. (not covered by insurance)

$150/ 60 minutes this is not a behavioral health appointment and is not eligible for medical reimbursement. You may also share the appointment time if you are using this time for supervision for state license.

$1,600 retainer must be paid to secure the time and date of the court date. This will be used for case preparation. Then my charge is $200/hour for time spent the day of court. All fees are to be paid by the patient unless prior arrangements have been made by the court who is initiating the request. This must be in writing.

**You may pay by: Cash, Check or Business Venmo (not HIPPA Compliant but you can put a lock on all transactions). If you are concerned use a check.

TREMITIERE Trauma Recovery 

*You may use your EAP benefits for any evaluation. However, please check with the court if they will accept an evaluation from my office.

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